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Meet the Team Behind The Dog Training Institute

Head Trainer and Owner

Sean Knudsen

I have had dogs all my life, but it was not until after a year-long deployment to Iraq that I truly learned to appreciate just how incredible our canine companions really are. I really struggled to fit back into normal society. I had a lot of trauma and would very easily become startled, hyper-alert, and angry. 


Training dogs really helped me to understand that if the dog made a mistake, it was not the dog's fault; it was my fault and that there is no reason to become angry with the dog. This realization helped me learn not only to deal fairly with dogs but also with people. I have loved working with dogs more and more, and it is now my passion and my mission to help other veterans achieve the same healing and growth that I did through dog training and learning about mental health in general. I absolutely love training dogs and seeing customers' lives become more rich and complete with their now stable and well-behaved canine family members.

Head trainer Sean with a Rottweiler on his lap.

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